The first obstacle
Even comparing the potential reach brings challenges, as the measurement methodologies differ between online and offline advertising. The terminology does not match for some metrics, the definition of user and unit of impact (views) is also different and the size of the population (online vs. TV) is also not the same…
In short, it’s a bit of a mess, but there’s plenty of data available, so it’s definitely worth taking a closer look at the issue!
According to YouTube/Median, the monthly reach of YouTube in the Czech Republic in 2023 was 7.4 million people in the target group of 15-79 years old, or 89% of the population. In contrast, according to information available from Nielsen’s continuous research, 93% of the 15+ target group, or 8.2 million people, watch TV shows at least sometimes. According to this information, the total potential reach of YouTube is therefore only about 10% lower than the total reach of TV in the Czech Republic.
However, for a weekly reach, the difference widens in favour of TV. According to Admeter, YouTube is watched by about 6 million people per week (71%) and TV by 7.67 million (87%). The potential reach of YouTube is thus about 22% lower than that of all TV stations in the Czech Republic.
It’s probably no surprise that YouTube is leading with younger target groups. For users under the age of 44, it wins all the way. However, TV is hitting back with older age groups, where the reach is growing.
The potential reach of traditional TV is thus still exceptional, but the situation for TV is complicated by the increasing fragmentation of the TV market, with 52 TV stations currently competing for the total reach of the Czech population in the 15+ age group, and the share of the strongest of them hovering around 15%.
Weekly audience of Czech TV stations. Source: